The Florian theory of Shakespeare authorship investigates the influential role that John Florio’s style and works played on Shakespeare’s oeuvre, and his possible role as collaborator or editor of the plays which were publicly attributed to William Shakespeare.
The Florian theory of Shakespeare authorship does not hold that Shakespeare was an illiterate, third-rate play actor, but an entrepreneur and playwright who had a fundamental role in the production and in the writing of the plays, and that his collaboration with John Florio gave birth to the works which were later attributed solely to Shakespeare due to Florio’s foreign origins.
Various explanations are offered for this theory: most commonly that John Florio had the knowledge of Italian authors, culture and language that can be frequently found in Shakespeare’s plays. John Florio and Shakespeare shared the same patrons and friends. They both faced criticism and attacks from the same enemies: Thomas Nashe and Robert Greene. Playwright Ben Jonson, Florio’s friend, hailed him as “Ayde of his Muses”. Moreover, John Florio was also the first translator in English of Montaigne’s Essays, which has been frequently mentioned as major source for Shakespeare’s plays, before and after Florio’s translation. John Florio, like Shakespeare, contributed to create more than one thousand new words for the English language, many of which, with compounds and proverbs, are frequently and erroneously attributed to Shakespeare. John Florio has also been proposed as main editor of the First Folio.
Contact: info@florioshakespeareauthorship.com.
This website was conceived, designed, developed, and written by Marianna Iannaccone, who holds all rights to it. Below is a list of her collaborators:
Alexander Dubois | Business man with an entrepreneurial background in the electronics industry, investigating the connections between Shakespeare and John Florio, both in English language and in the plays attributed to the Stratford man.
Mojmir Jezek | Cartoonist, graphic designer, painter, sculptor, collaborates for La Repubblica’s Il Venerdì.
Saul Gerevini | Independent scholar who has been studying the connections between John Florio and Shakespeare for twenty years. Author of “William Shakespeare, Ovvero John Florio” (2008). Founder of www.shakespeareandflorio.net
Rodolfo Boraso | Has been working 20 years in Computation exploration of visual word recognition. Currently working on Florio&Shakespeare project based on Research and Data analysis with algorithms based on NPL and AI. Editor of FB page: www.facebook.com/florioshakespeareauthorship
Valerio Grossi | Ph.D. in Computer Science, his research interest focus on the analysis of massive and complex data including miming data streams, ontology-driven mining, business intelligence and knowledge discovery systems. Currently working on Florio&Shakespeare project based on Research and Data analysis with algorithms based on NPL and AI.
Sara Scaramuccia | Ph.D in Topological data analyst – TDA – thus aiming at developing new methods in computational topology to provide qualitative understanding of data. Currently working on Florio&Shakespeare project based on Research and Data analysis with algorithms based on NPL and AI.
Abbie Tyler | Web editor, graphic designer, Editor of Twitter Page: @FAuthorship
Antonio La Cava | Works in media and SEO sector, with a background in journalism.
Enzo Gozzoli | Artist.